Welcome to the Chapter 7 Calculator



What do you get?

  1. More precise Chapter 7 means test estimate using US Bankruptcy forms
  2. Ability to compare your different options by payment estimates
  3. Bankruptcy specific data that is ready to be sent to an attorney (if you choose)
  4. Free analysis of your information

What does it take?

  1. Usually takes 3 - 5 minutes
  2. Email is required for analysis
  3. Understanding of your average monthly income that you received from all sources, derived during the 6 full months before you file this bankruptcy case. For example, if you may file on September 8, the 6-month period would be March 1 through August 31

Ascend Helps Prevent You From Choosing the Wrong Debt Relief. See What Others Say About Our 100% Free Service.

5.0/5.0 - 270 Reviews
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Synthia DuBose
My family was grappling with the burden of credit card debt. We had explored various avenues, including debt relief companies and consolidation loans, but everything seemed dubious and left us feeling uncertain. That all changed when I came across Ascend and had the opportunity to connect with Justin. He reached out to me on the very same day, and from that point forward, things took a turn for the better.

I provided Justin with an overview of our financial situation, our objectives, and the timeline we hoped to achieve our goals within. He promptly outlined the possible courses of action and presented a thorough breakdown of our various options. What truly stood out was Justin's approach—he never pressured me into making a quick decision. Instead, he offered me the information and allowed me to ask questions at my own pace.

Upon selecting the path we wanted to pursue, Justin facilitated our connection with a non-profit organization. Much to our delight, they exhibited the same level of courtesy, expertise, and patience that Justin had demonstrated. In retrospect, the entire experience instilled a sense of confidence within us. We now believe we have a solid foundation and are well on our way to achieving financial success!
dahveed krisna
Ben and his assistant Jeffrey from Ascend Finance did an awesome job helping me to find an attorney who could talk with me openly and honestly about Chapter 13 as an option for my financial situation. Before finding out about Ascend's bankruptcy calculators, I was stuck on a wheel of countless offers for consolidation loans, but always steered towards debt settlement or debt management plans over and over again due to my credit score and high utilization percentage. Based on data I entered into Ascend's calculator, Ben and Jeffrey reviewed my situation and quickly connected me with a skillful, experienced bankruptcy attorney. I finally feel like I'm on the best path to being debt free; one that will save me a lot more money than any of the debt settlement or debt management programs that other companies and agencies have offered me... THANKS Ben, Jeffrey and Ascend!!
JorJor Binks
These guys are truly a beacon for those of us with too much debt. From the start where I found Ben on the YouTube channel Ascend I have been treated as a real person by real people. Even getting a personal call helping me figure things out. I went through one of the lawyers recommended by Ascend and as of January 2nd I am debt discharged, and already have a great credit card from Mission Lane for $2000. Things are getting back into place and my life feels so much less stressful due to the weight of debt being off my shoulders.

PLEASE give these guys a call if you are even considering any sort of debt relief be it bankruptcy, consolidation, or whatever other types of debt relief are out there. I can’t thank the Ascend team enough. (I was not paid to post this, or told to do this. I am genuinely so thankful to have the help when I needed it most♥️)
Chezera Davids
I was in tears and all by myself. I have always paid my bills, and I was always on time with my payments. Due to a custody battle, I was on my own. I had no way to feed my kids do to a garnishment. Justin reassured me that everything was going to be OK, and that I had options that I was not aware of. I am so grateful for him. He went above and beyond he delivered the most amazing service, I’ve ever had. I will forever be grateful.
What is your marital and filing status?
How many people do you take care of in your household (including yourself)?
You answered there is only one (1) person in your household, but you are married. Please confirm the number of people in your household.
How many people in your household are 65 or older?
Are you 65 or older?
How many of your dependants (excluding a spouse) are over 18 years old?
What is causing you to consider debt relief?
Which best describes the debt?
What best describes why you are considering debt relief?
What is the status of the divorce?
Do you have a pending foreclosure sale?
What is the unexpected expense?
What is the status of the wage garnishment?
Have you filed bankruptcy in the past 6-8 years?
Have you filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the past 8 years?
Have you filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the past 6 years?
When would you want to file bankruptcy?
What is your most pressing question?
Other: Describe your most pressing question.
How often do you receive a paycheck?
How much do you receive in your paycheck BEFORE taxes?
How would you pay for the bankruptcy?
How often does your SPOUSE receive a paycheck?
How much does your SPOUSE receive in their paycheck BEFORE taxes?
Your average monthly income from alimony and maintenance payments. Do not include payments from a spouse if second column is present
Your average monthly income from any sources which are regularly paid for household expenses of you or your dependants, such as child support
Net monthly income from operating a business, profession, or farm
Net monthly income from rental and other real property
Monthly interest, dividends, and royalties

Less Common Incomes:

Monthly unemployment compensation
Monthly pension or retirement income
Monthly income from all other sources not listed above

Accurate Income is Important

Is your household annual income approximately $0
What is your zip code?
Approximately how much student loan debt do you have?
Approximately how much unsecured debt such as medical, credit card and personal loans do you have? Please do not include auto or student loans.

Living Expenses:

What is your current living situation?
Approximately how much equity (the difference of owed amount less value) do you have in your home?
Monthly 1st mortgage payment
Monthly 2nd mortgage payment:
Monthly rental expenses for your residence (includes rent payment)
If applicable, how many months are your behind on your mortgage as of this month?
Do you want to keep this asset?
If applicable, how many months are your behind on your 2nd mortgage as of this month?
Do you own equity in any high value assets such as a vacation home, boat, RV, etc?
How much equity do you own in these high value assets?
Do you have any other assets of value greater than $1,000, including stocks, individual brokerage accounts, or retirement accounts?
What is the value of your retirement account?
What is the value of your non-retirement account?

Automobile Expenses:

How many vehicles do you own or lease? Please include your spouse's vehicle(s) if they are filing with you.

Automobile 1

Monthly automobile payment:
What is the Year, Make, and Model of this vehicle?
Approximately what is the interest rate of this vehicle?
Is this vehicle titled in your name?
If applicable, how many months are your behind on your automobile as of this month?
Do you want to keep this asset?

Automobile 2

Monthly 2nd automobile payment:
What is the Year, Make, and Model of this vehicle?
Approximately what is the interest rate of this vehicle?
Is this vehicle titled in your name?
If applicable, how many months are your behind on your 2nd automobile as of this month?
Do you want to keep this asset?

Other Expenses:

Do you have any outstanding balance on any such loans as jewelry, furniture, tvs, etc.?
What is the balance of these loans?
Do you want to keep this asset?
What is the monthly amount that you pay for other debt that is secured by an asset, such as an RV, jet ski, jewelry, etc.?
Which of the following best represents how much you pay annually to this secured debt?
Did you receive a refund in your most recent tax filing?
Tax debt in arrears
What are the tax years for the owed debts?
Did you file a return for all those years?
Approximately when were the returns filed?
Do you owe any domestic support obligations such as child support or alimony in arrears?
Alimony in arrears
Child support in arrears

Almost There!

Would you like to compare the cost of Chapter 7 bankruptcy to other debt-relief options?
Which options would you like to compare to Chapter 7? Check all that apply
Which of the following do you prefer?
Would you like to join the waiting list to learn more about Ascend's Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing software that would cost a one-time fee of $99? There is no obligation to purchase.

Note: Ascend may receive a referral fee if you choose a free consultation. Our partners conduct free, no-hassle evaluations to learn about your options. You can complete it over the phone in as little as 10 minutes. The attorney fees are affordable, and often a flat fee. All initial consultations are 100% free of charge, and all lawyers are licensed in your state. By selecting a partner above to reach out to you, you agree that a partner may contact you (including autodials, pre-recorded calls, and SMS) to answer your questions about relief.

The calculator results are often complicated, and you may want to revise them. What is most helpful for you?
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Phone Number
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You additionally give your consent to receive SMS text messages, phone calls or other communications from a bankruptcy attorney, Ascend, or another service provider to facilitate communication regarding your debt relief options, according to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Message frequency varies. Standard message and data rates may apply. Text HELP for more information; text STOP to unsubscribe.
Disclaimer: Ascend strives to keep its information accurate and up to date. This information may be different from what you see when you visit a financial institution, service provider or specific product's site. All financial products, shopping products and services are presented without warranty, and estimated APR and other terms are not binding in any way. All loans presented on this page have a maximum APR of no greater than 35.99% with terms not less than 12 months to not more than 60 months. As an example, a $10,000 loan with an APR of 14.50% and a term of 36 months would cost $12,391.55 over the life of the loan. All rates are determined by the lender and must be agreed upon between the borrower and the borrower's chosen lender. Your actual APR will depend upon factors evaluated at the time of application, which may include credit score, loan amount, loan term, and credit history. All loans are subject to credit review and approval. When evaluating offers, please review the lender and/or lending partner's Terms and Conditions for additional details.